Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Collection Of The Great Hiddema.

Annie Hiddema- sweet, kind, bad ass, good looking, pit owning, fur wearing, crab cake cooking, jewelry designer. She has many talents but one is having a keen eye for jewels and when i say jewels, i mean she's a collector extraordinaire. Here are a couple prime pieces, ( not even a quarter of her rings). PS. ya like my Brooklyn Nail Job? Horse sweater on loan from Adam Kuehl.


For the last year EVER!

"Heaven is Hell" is a feature being shot in the Chicago land area. Directed By Chris Sato, this Kickstarter funded project is a thriller with lots of blood. Making costumes for them was a little messy.
Heaven Is Hell movie - Videos Facebook


While teaching Art after school programs at Culture Works i had the pleasure to meet Jeff Blanford. A very talented and nice shopkeeper, artist and instructor. Re-mercandising his store was a fun Saturday project. His shop Volmod Ceramics ia located in Saugatuck, Michigan.